Friday, August 26, 2011

"Fall" has arrived

Fall has arrived - more for the crazy amount of events we have planned, less for the actual weather, although, the past two days have been beautiful.  Fall is my absolute favorite season. I spent yesterday evening watching Dan play softball in my jeans and jacket.  The slight chill in the air was amazing!!

Sorry for my recent absence, as I indicated above, fall comes with a whole boat load of (fun) festivities.  I'm going to make my recap easier on you by a picture montage.

First we'll start with my trip to Indiana-polis.  It was wonderful to finally see where Hilary lives - I hate that she lives so far away.

We had an epic fail trying to do a B&E into the apartment complex pool (woke up to find that we all used our phones to find various ways of entering the pool. Mine had a video on the screen with a british man explaining out to use household products to open a padlock!).  We were out there for what seemed like hours getting everyone (four of us) over that fence.  Three of us finally made it with the last one tossing their first leg over the fence to be scared off by another latenight resident.  We decided to call it quits and make some queso instead!

We got to witness every mid-twenties to mid-thirties lady's secret dream of seeing NKOTBSB in concert. mmmmmmm... still drool a little when thinking about it :)  Here is my fav BSB member and fav KNOTB member

The trip was a complete blast, thanks to our hosts and thanks to Teryl who rode in a car with me for almost twenty hours!

Next we have the exciting arrival of my first "nice" car.  I felt like an adult driving it off the lot!! This purchase was long overdue.

Wedding season is in full effect already - my beautiful cousin Rachel got married

And so did my good friend Traci who used to work with me.

Future events coundown:

Laura's Bachelorette Party --- 1 day
KU Football home opener --- 8 days
Laura's Wedding ------------ 45 days
Death Cab for Cutie --------- 47 days

I will leave you all with a video that my dear boyfriend found on YouTube and that is currently taking over my home life and most conversations with said "dear boyfriend". It's "pretty neat."